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Sponsored products2024-11-25T14:54:59+01:00

Boost your sales with

Sponsored products

Increase the visibility of your products by displaying them on strategic locations on Cdiscount.
Display is free: you only pay when a customer clicks on your ad.

Our intelligence tool guarantees you reach a large number of interested
customers, without exceeding your budget.

Concrete results are guaranteed!

At the right time, in the right place, target customers
when they are looking for your products

Quality of the audience

Pay only when a customer clicks on your ad (CPC),
set a limit to the number of clicks you can make.

Cost control

Analyze the performance of your
campaigns with an interactive dashboard.

Tracking and optimization

Boost the display of your products on
computer, mobile and on the Cdiscount application.


At the right time, in the right place, target customers
when they are looking for your products

Quality of the audience

Pay only when a customer clicks on your ad (CPC),
set a limit to the number of clicks you can make.

Cost control

Analyze the performance of your
campaigns with an interactive dashboard.

Tracking and optimization

Boost the display of your products on
computer, mobile and on the Cdiscount application.


I launch my ad

Maximized visibility

Sponsored products are products that you want to highlight on the Cdiscount website.
They are positioned on the sites that offer you the best visibility to generate the most clicks.

The performance of our salespeople
speak for us


average click rate on C.A.R.S

versus 33% via natural referencing

1€ = 8€

1€ dépensé génère 8€ de vente (1)

(1) Moyenne réalisée sur l’année 2023 sur l’ensemble des vendeurs utilisant les Produits Sponsorisés


average conversion rate on C.A.R.S.

versus 3% via natural referencing

I launch my ad (2)

(2) See the General Conditions of Use

How does it work?

Are you an expert?

You can fully customize your campaign:

  • Define the keywords on which you want to appear;
  • Choose the products you want to publish as sponsored ads;
  • Select your bidding mode.

Are you a beginner?

You can fully customize your campaign:

  • Define the keywords on which you want to appear;
  • Choose the products you want to publish as sponsored ads;
  • Select your bidding mode.
I launch my ad *

See the General Conditions of Use

I accelerate my growth!

I choose the way I want to advertise

Discover Cdiscount Advertising's subscriptions

Agency Plan

Would you like to develop your full sales potential on Cdiscount and benefit from personalised, tailor-made support?

The marketing development plan will allow you to promote your products as much as possible, with high profitability and with exclusive and VIP advantages, all without commitment.

Contact us
Premium subscription to Cdiscount Advertising

Premium subscription

The premium subscription allows you to benefit from digital marketing budgets to be used each month, in addition to a large number of advantages and other services, all without commitment and at an attractive price.

Discover the offers
Become Premium

Unit formula

The unit format allows you to keep control of the optimization of your campaigns and your marketing strategy.

Discover the offers

Discover your future
growth levers

Attract on Cdiscount

Develop the visibility of your products by displaying them among the first results of the Cdiscount search engine.

Discover the solution
Search with Cdiscount Advertising

Expand your audience

Increase the traffic of your product sheets on Cdiscount by reaching customers who start their shopping journey in the Google search engine.

Discover the solution
Google Shopping with Cdiscount

Dynamisez vos ventes

Proposez une remise à vos clients potentiels pour accroître votre visibilité et vos ventes.

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