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Google Shopping2023-07-26T09:49:12+02:00

Boost your sales with


Increase the traffic of your product sheets on Cdiscount by targeting prospects in the purchase phase on Google

Google Shopping with Cdiscount

Google's algorithm uses this information to match a user's search or profile information to your product listing.

You are guaranteed qualified traffic!

Monitor your performance thanks to
indicators allowing
to follow in real time the impacts
on your business


Allow you to expand your audience
with qualified traffic acquisition.

Traffic expansion

Manage your campaign and your budget
via our simplified and intuitive module
available from C.A.R.S
(Cdiscount Ads Retail Solution)


I launch my ad

Monitor your performance with
indicators allowing you to track the impact on your business in real time


Allow you to expand your audience
with qualified traffic acquisition.

Traffic expansion

Manage your campaign and your budget via our simplified and intuitive
module available from C.A.R.S
(Cdiscount Ads Retail Solution)


I launch my ad

Maximized visibility

Google Shopping with Cdiscount Advertising

Google Shopping throughout the customer journey

Cdiscount logo

Inspire & Discover

Thinking and deciding


Soon to be sold out
of eye shadow?

Search for inspiration
on Google Images

"tutorial" videos on Youtube


Browse ads
Google Ads

Read opinions / reviews

Ask friends for recommendations

Take into account the shipping costs
and promo code / discounts

Google Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on Cdiscount

Google Shopping throughout the customer journey

Cdiscount logo

Inspire & Discover

Thinking and deciding


Soon to be sold out
of eye shadow?

Search for inspiration
on Google Images

"tutorial" videos on Youtube


Browse ads
Google Ads

Read opinions / reviews

Ask friends for recommendations

Take into account the shipping costs
and promo code / discounts

Google Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on CdiscountGoogle Shopping on Cdiscount

The performance of our salespeople
speak for us


ROAS average seller (1)


average conversion rate (2)

I launch my advertisement (3)

(1) Average result observed within the framework of the performance of May 2020 on a set of 1734 merchants using the Google Shopping programme.
(calculation: sales / budget spent) | Vendor universe Leisure
(2) Average result observed in the performance of May 2020 on a set of 1734 merchants using the Google Shopping programme.
(calculation: number of conversions / number of visits)
(3) See Terms and Conditions

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I choose the way I want to advertise

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Agency Plan

Would you like to develop your full sales potential on Cdiscount and benefit from personalised, tailor-made support?

The marketing development plan will allow you to promote your products as much as possible, with high profitability and with exclusive and VIP advantages, all without commitment.

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Premium subscription to Cdiscount Advertising

Premium subscription

The premium subscription allows you to benefit from digital marketing budgets to be used each month, in addition to a large number of advantages and other services, all without commitment and at an attractive price.

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Become Premium

Unit formula

The unit format allows you to keep control of the optimization of your campaigns and your marketing strategy.

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Discover your future
growth levers

Attract on Cdiscount

Develop the visibility of your products by displaying them among the first results of the Cdiscount search engine.

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Search with Cdiscount Advertising

Expand your audience

Increase the traffic of your product sheets on Cdiscount by reaching customers who start their shopping journey in the Google search engine.

Discover the solution
Google Shopping with Cdiscount

Dynamisez vos ventes

Proposez une remise à vos clients potentiels pour accroître votre visibilité et vos ventes.

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